About Us
HOPE FOUNDATION, a social institution working for the cause the education since many years particularly in the remote villages of Bihar and Jharkhand. Currently, we have 1500 members in all over India. Since we are an NGO, a nonprofit organization, our intention is to give a broad and open platform to everyone who deserves to fulfill their aspirations. In this quest, we always go ahead and to make our visions and motives more transparent and beneficial for the one who needs it the most, the associated people of our organization always come up to present something unique and different from others.
To make justice with our mission and aim, we have established over 100 Hope Study Centers in these villages, those situated far and at the outskirts of the main city of Bihar and Jharkhand in order to provide the basic education to the people including ladies, children and old ones. As, it is a universal truth that god has not blessed all of us with all the skills of life, so for them, we too have opened 20 Vocational training centers where our experts with whole dedication and with a committed attitude are working round the clock to make them enable to held their head high in the society and to live with dignity and satisfaction.
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